Picture Framing

A home for art.
Pictures are among people’s most cherished possessions. They are at their best when housed in frames that truly complement.
The framing of artworks is a responsibility and a privilege. With archival techniques and conservation materials underpinning our work, we will work with you to choose the right framing combination for your specific requirements. Every detail of our framing is considered. We pride ourselves in producing frames that not only provide the best protection for an artwork, but also accent the work by being beautifully crafted objects in themselves.
We specialise in producing ‘closed corner’ frames—meaning they are individually sanded, stained and finished in the frame. And while this makes them more labour intensive to produce we believe this extra effort is worth it.
Our frames are made using a range of in-house designed mouldings, milled from FSC™ and PEFC™ certified American White Ash and New Zealand Radiata Pine. We use conservation-grade mounting boards, adhesives and mounting techniques which are archivally-sound, whilst also being complementary to the relevant style of the chosen work. And we specify glass with UV filtration as standard, to best protect works on paper, fabric and other materials susceptible to UV-degradation. The glass we specify has the most advanced anti-reflective finish, to allow an unimpeded view to the work where the colours are rendered most brilliant.
Lastly we specialise in producing ultra-fine tray or edge frames for paintings on stretched canvas or board. Without covering any of the painted surface, it hides the unfinished sides of a painting and offering a narrow negative detail around the work. This is a style which is distinctly contemporary and refined. And as with all our framing, they are made to complement and enhance a work, in an understated way.